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Picky eating can be a challenging phase for parents, but it’s important to remember that it’s actually a fairly common part of childhood development! As a dietitian, I’ve seen many families navigate through this stage with success, but as a mama I sure get that it’s hard and can be SO frustrating! It is important to take a longterm approach with picky eating and support your child in developing a positive relationship with food.
Here are 5 tips that can help parents navigate picky eating!
- The Division of Responsibility: According to Ellyn Satter, a renowned expert in child feeding, the division of responsibility emphasizes the roles of both parents and children during mealtimes. Parents are responsible for what, when, and where to eat, while children are responsible for if they eat and how much. By respecting these boundaries, parents can reduce mealtime stress and empower children to be confident and in tune with their hunger signals. This means removing any pressure on your child to eat at the meal!
- Model Positive Eating Habits: Children often mimic the behaviour of adults, making parental role modeling a powerful tool in shaping their eating habits. Make mealtimes an opportunity to demonstrate a positive attitude towards food by enjoying a variety of nutritious options. Eat the same foods as your child and avoid negative comments about foods or any labelling of your child as being “picky”.
- Prioritize Family Time: Mealtime is not just about the food; it’s also a wonderful opportunity for family connection. Create a relaxed atmosphere where conversation flows freely and distractions like screens are minimized. Encourage your child to participate in meal preparation or setting the table, this supports a sense of involvement and ownership in the meal.
- Set Mealtime Boundaries: Establishing clear boundaries around mealtime routines can be supportive with picky eating behaviour. Offer meals and snacks at consistent times throughout the day, and avoid excessive grazing that may decrease appetite during main meals. Encourage your child to remain seated during mealtimes until everyone has finished eating, promoting mindful eating habits and reducing distractions.
- Get Creative with Food Presentation: Sometimes, a simple change in how food is prepared or presented can make it more appealing to picky eaters. Try out different shapes of food or a new spoon or fork! Experiment with different cooking methods, textures, and serving styles. If able, try to involve your child in the meal planning and preparation. I love using these shape cutters to turn food into flower, star and heart shapes!
Here is a recipe that is a great way to mix up preparing vegetables! Check out these super easy Simple Roasted Vegetables for Toddlers.
Conclusion: Navigating picky eating can for sure be challenging, but keeping a longterm approach, removing the pressure and supporting a positive mealtime experience can support children in fostering a positive relationship with food. You got this!